Jenn Walsh, my Ada Lovelace

Jenn is chased by an iguana. See, science is fun. I promise.

Yeah, that’s right Jenn, I’m writing a post on you.  Suck it.

Jenn works with coffee, one of her favorite substances.

After reading what Leify Greens had to say about Gina Trapani and Ada Lovelace Day in general, I was inspired (read: ordered) to rack my brain for a worthy female.  My first thought was of a chica who combines travel, language skills, a big heart, and biology.

Ada Lovelace Day is a time for bloggers to show some love for the amazing women in their life in the fields of science and technology.  I know I have quite a few more of those inspiring chicas in my life, so I’ll be sure to participate again next year.  For this year, though, I’m excited to talk about a woman (ew, Jenn, are we women now?) who found a way to do some of the things I love (travel, speak a foreign language and become immersed in a foreign culture) while being really impressive in her given science-y field of choice, biology.  Many people say I get to travel through school because of my major, and use theirs as an excuse not to.  Not so with Jenn!  She wanted it, so she made it happen.

Jenn and her turtle friend.

Jenn spent her last co-op at Northeastern in Galapagos Island among Darwin’s finches.  She helped local farmers, picked her own food, and swam with blue-footed boobies.  Her sense of humour and adventure kept her always in good company and strange experiences.

More than that, she’s a brilliant young accident-prone woman who totally upturned her life at a tumultuous time.  She went somewhere with little to no promise of contact with home, and less than modern, western toilets.

Sorry Jenn, but I adore this photo of you.

Jenn is so much more than just a lab coat.  She’s a great friend, a sorority sister, and makes delicious food.  She travels, she innovates, and she gets killer co-op jobs.  I can’t wait to see what she does after she graduates (how many days?)

Jenn, you rock my socks and I miss you buckets.  I can’t wait to see what crazy thing you invent or how many families you help with your dream of going into genetic counseling.

I promise she’s much more of a bio rock star than I make her sound, just trust that it’s my own inability to understand her brilliance, and not any lack of brilliance on her part, that is causing that.

Oh and hey grad schools: she’s in the market for one of you, and if you’re lucky you might just be able to snatch her up.

Jenn with one of her Boobies

2 thoughts on “Jenn Walsh, my Ada Lovelace”

  1. Delia, who needs Boobies with GREAT freinds like you. Anyone would be honored to be written about in the light you put her in. I’m sure you’re right, we’ll see her accepting a Nobel prize in something, a decade from now. And you’ll remember those college days. And you’ll say: ” I was right wasn’t I” These will be your ” Good old days “. Enjoy every minute. Until the next time, Uncle Joe O.


  2. Delia! I agree with your Uncle Joe, boobies are great but they don’t compare to a friend like you! I am so honored to be featured in my favorite blog! You should know that you helped inspire my trip to the Galapagos, I always admired your adventurousness and passion for all things foreign and you encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone! Thanks for thinking of me on Ada Lovelace day ❤ Jenn


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